Our Mission: The Aisling Center offers free and low-cost programming that promotes social welfare, mental and physical health, education, and a connection to Irish traditions and community. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Irish culture through our diverse events and activities, or take part in our mindfulness workshops and fitness classes to nurture your well-being. Whether you’re interested in exploring Irish culture and history, or seeking a supportive community, we have something for everyone.
How You Can Help: Your support for the
Aisling Center directly impacts lives by funding essential community programs.
Donations help our Young @ Heart group enjoy a weekly nutritious lunch at the
center, fostering social engagement among seniors who might otherwise be isolated.
Your contribution also extends to home-bound seniors, ensuring they receive
vital meals each week. Additionally, with your help, we facilitate the Foroige
Youth Club, Celtic Summer Camp, and Leadership for Life, equipping young people
with critical life skills. Your generosity also ensures that community members
in need may access social work, welfare, and Medicare services without any cost. By
donating, you're not just giving, you're strengthening the fabric of our