A MESSAGE FROM Run with Ivana & T.E.A.L
Run with Ivana & T.E.A.L
Only 13 days remaining to help Run with Ivana & T.E.A.L reach her fundraising goal
Ivana Rocha made a $21.00 donation$21.00
Arleen Yero made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Olga Orbis made a $75.00 donation
love you Ivana
$75.00 -
Horacio Rocha made a $20.00 donation$20.00
Dayme Garcia made a $50.00 donation$50.00
Anonymous made a $25.00 donation
praying for you and rooting for you!! get it girl!!! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”” Joshua 1:9 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/jos.1.9.ESV
$25.00 -
Yenisse Morales made a $100.00 donation
Keep inspiring. Keep fighting 💪🏼
$100.00 -
Tara Favaro made a $25.00 donation
Love you and keeping you in my prayer 🙏 ❤️ You got this. So proud of you xoxo
$25.00 -
Noharys Lind made a $25.00 donation$25.00
Zoey made a $30.00 donation
Titi Ivana, you are so strong! Love you!!!
$30.00 -
In honor of Lucy ❤️ made a $25.00 donation
Ivana, you’re one of the strongest people I know, never stop fighting!!
$25.00 -
Celia Pabon Nunez made a $44.00 donation$44.00
Ivana Rocha made a $10.00 donation$10.00

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